Is Failure a Luxury?

We're finally recognizing the value of failure, which is much needed.  But lest it turn into an entitlement, for some, it isn't an option...

"But, is failure — the freedom to fail — really a luxury? In the developed world, we are expect second, third, fourth chances. Stop and think about the decisions most of us have faced and will face. Seldom are they totally, completely irrevocable and permanently life altering." Read on...

Thank you, SmartBlogs



Do You Have A Flight Plan?

This has to be one of the most beautifully written posts I've ever read - Lt. Col. Fritz's consistent winsome wisdom astounds me - so read this - please - and reread it and share it.... 

"Its 9:45am at Chicago’s O’Hare International Terminal as American Airlines Flight 1693 hums patiently at Gate K18 on the snow-covered ramp as passengers take their seats.  In seat 27E of the Boeing 737-800 sits 8-year old Jim Nelson—excited and eager for his first airplane flight.  His parents have done a great job keeping the destination a secret as they place their bags in the overhead compartment and smile knowingly to one another while buckling up on either side of him"... Read the rest here....


Communication Is Not A Fairy-Tale

"Once upon a time, NYFM (Not-Your-Father’s-Manufacturer), a very old,
established company, decided they needed to drastically change in order to grow and be around many more decades.  So, they created a highly disruptive ‘bet-your-career’ strategic plan.  And they lived happily ever after." Believe that? Maybe Fairy Tales do come true.... 
Communication is Not A Fairy Tale is part of the series “Communication,” a weeklong effort co-hosted by Switch & Shift and the good people at SmartBrief’s SmartBlog on Leadership.