Who Are You Thankful For?

The oxymoron of time flying while standing still describes the 20+ months for so many of us. It’s a time of uncertainty and discovery: our relationships with work, co-workers, the concept of “work” and with friends, family, community, leaders, the world. During the next 6 weeks of holidays and ending 2021, which can be a very lonely time for many, show the people you’re thankful for that you are thankful ~ that they matter and that the world is better because they are.

A blessed Thanksgiving to you all.

Some Stories Need Retelling

With Thanksgiving coming up, I thought this was a story worth retelling - Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah and a new year ahead.  I am continually overwhelmed with the blessings in my life and this remains one of the most powerful in my entire career - thanks to Vala Afshar & Sidney Kushner