What Works Better - Obedience or Commitment?

I get to host an excerpt from Frank Sonnenberg’s new book, Leadership By Example.* All of Frank’s books and his blog are ‘must reads” and “must gives.” Follow him on Facebook and Instagram. You’ll be glad, and better, because you did!


It’s an age-old question: How do you motivate people to do what’s right? For instance, you want your employees to be industrious and effective contributors to your business and your kids to be thoughtful and productive members of society. But what’s the best way to achieve that goal — control or empowerment? In other words, what works better, obedience or commitment?

If you look up the word “boss” in the dictionary it is defined as “a person who exercises control or authority.” Some folks think the role of a boss is to tell people what to do. And, if folks don’t respond to your message, to tell them there will be consequences. It’s that simple. Or is it?

Following orders is a far cry from following your heart. 

Great Leaders Don’t Pull Rank

Think about the message you are sending when you proclaim, “I’m the boss,” “I know what’s best,” or “Just follow my orders — no questions asked.”

You’re implying:

  • I’m in control and you’re a nobody.

  • I don’t trust you to do it right.

  • You don’t get paid to think. Just do as you’re told. (Ouch.)

Then we’re surprised when employees don’t put their heart into their work, or kids have low self-esteem and habitually seek approval before doing anything. And of course, we conclude that they’re to blame.

Some folks think it doesn’t matter what management style you use as long as you achieve your goals. They assume that being an authoritarian, tyrant, bully, control freak (use any label you want) won’t come back to haunt you one day. That may ring true if being obedient is the same as being committed. But is it?

If you want obedience, get a dog.

Folks use several strategies to motivate people. (The first four tactics below assume that obedience produces results, while the last three practices value commitment.) Which of the following seven methods do you employ?

Pull rank. Some folks think their title makes them all-knowing and all-important — and that gives them the right to bark orders at others.

Prod with a carrot or stick. Some people reward folks for good behavior/performance and punish them if things deteriorate. They use raises, promotions, or grant additional authority as incentives, and punish people for disobeying orders or failing to achieve results.

Lay down rules and regulations. Some folks shepherd people by imposing voluminous rules and regulations. They enforce those policies by employing tedious manuals and red tape — overseen by bureaucrats. (Ugh!)

Show recognition. Some people treat others well to get what they want. They’re kind, courteous, and respectful IF you follow their orders.

The following practices assume that commitment is beneficial to obedience:

Involve and empower. People want to make a valuable contribution rather than be treated as a cog in the wheel. As such, encourage people to participate in the decision-making process so they buy into the strategy, rather than being told what to do.

Lead by example. Referent authority assumes that leaders inspire and influence others by exhibiting strong moral character and personal values rather than position alone. As such, they earn the trust and respect of others by living a life of honor and integrity.

Provide meaning and purpose. People want to believe in something greater than themselves. Help them understand that they are part of something special and can make a difference in the world.

Control Is an Illusion

What do you lose by being an authoritarian — and “beating” employees into submission — or being a control freak and micromanaging every little thing that your kids do?

The fact is that you denigrate their confidence and rob them of the feeling that comes from facing a challenge, overcoming an obstacle, and crossing the finish line after going all out.

Following orders doesn’t require thinking; just doing.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a parent, manager, or leader of the free world, command and control will never outperform a team of people who are involved and committed to a cause.

Control is an illusion. Real power isn’t the result of controlling people; it’s created by empowering folks and forging commitment. By its very nature, there’s no need to force people into compliance; if you play your cards right, they’ll manage themselves. The fact is, when people follow orders, they go through the motions…but when they have a vested interest in the outcome, they follow their heart. So, don’t ask me whether obedience or commitment works better. I’ll leave that up to you.

 This post is excerpted from Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others by Frank Sonnenberg © 2023 Frank Sonnenberg. All rights reserved.


Frank Sonnenberg is an award-winning author and a well-known advocate for moral character, personal values, and personal responsibility. He has written 10 books and has been named one of “America’s Top 100 Thought Leaders.” Additionally, his blog — FrankSonnenbergOnline — has attracted millions of readers and was recently named one of the “Top Self-Improvement and Personal Development Blogs” in the world and one of the “Best Inspirational Blogs On the Planet.” Frank’s newest book, Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others, was released June 13, 2023.

What Will You Learn Today?

Sunset off the dock #NoFilter

The other day was a normal, uneventful day, which is why it stood out when 3 seemingly normal things hit me:

Downtown Damariscotta ℅ marinas.com

  • Cherish the availability of street parking in Damariscotta while ya can! I needed to pick up a book at the library and voila - a spot was wide open in front of the bookstore and cafe! That won’t be the case for a week from now until September! Little things can bring joy and glee into one’s day - like a parking space! It may seem trivial, but it filled my entire day with a sense of accomplishment (almost like when I lived in NYC and got a parking space 😊).

  • Don’t drive to Rachmanioff’s Piano Concerto #2 in C Minor. There is a reason I listen to news and podcasts and not music in the car. Every molecule in my body gets absorbed into the music (especially Mendelssohn and Rachmaninoff) and you shouldn’t do “air piano” and drive to the tempo! Since I was little, I can’t listen to classical music, an opera, without it being a whole-body experience - not idea for Rt 1 in Maine! The power of art to bring us alive and make us whole is strong and necessary - and incorporates our entire self.

  • Swimming Upstream, as a metaphor, isn’t fully appreciated til you watch fish do it. Our fellow village of Bristol Mills built a fish ladder to make it easier for the alewives (an important bait and ecosystem fish) to make their long arduous journey from the ocean to the Pemaquid River up to Pemaquid Lake or Biscay Pond to spawn. It’s a gorgeous fish ladder surrounded by nature - by water, trees, birds, fish, sounds - all the flora and fauna and fascination. Nature never ceases to teach us, if we’re willing to see and listen.

So, what 1 or 2 things can you learn today - from the mundane things, meetings, errands, glances out the window, things you drive by every single day? And the learning doesn’t have to be deep, complex, life-changing - just a new thing or new way of perceiving. Give it a try!

Break the Model! How Challenging Status Quo Makes Lasting Impact


I want to share the amazing work of Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio*. They are the epitome of how to create an amazing strategic plan that achieves their mission and vision in innovative ways will (hopefully) make them no longer needed. This is not about virtue signaling, but rather my admiration and respect for their foresightful planning, impact, and gratitude for their CEO, Julie Chase-Morefield and team.

Second Harvest Food Bank (SHFB) started as a small local food bank serving four rural counties west of Cleveland, Ohio, and is now THE community convener for sustainable ways to reduce hunger. Their mission "Grow hope in our region by creating pathways to nutritious food," and vision of "A brighter future for all by cultivating a healthy, hunger-free community" are being achieved because SHFB doesn’t think like a traditional food bank.

Unlike most food banks that focus on the needs of the organizations that distribute the food (food pantries), SHFB focuses on the needs, constraints, and daily contexts of actual community members who need food. They treat ALL community members with dignity and respect, without judgment or prejudice, because every human deserves dignity.

SHFB has piloted and validated innovative food distribution models, such as putting pantries in local public schools - a huge success. Kids take food home to their family for dinner and weekends, reducing hunger. When COVID hit, SHFB deployed mobile pantries, serving up to 30,000 households a month. The demand for mobile pantries still continues, with 10 to 12 distributions a month even now.

SHFB has several initiatives underway to sustainably reduce hunger, such as partnering with social, health, legal, housing, job, government, and education organizations in creating a downtown HUB in Sandusky, OH and piloting SNAP Outreach 2.0 to raise awareness and support the completion of applications in their region. They have established a county-wide Food Advisory Council with Lorain, OH, to increase access to and consumption of healthy food via a "Food as Medicine" platform with healthcare providers while increasing economic development through urban farm and retail expansion (aided by a USDA grant).

Despite a 40% increase in the need for food, increases in the cost of food and cuts in funding, SHFB remains optimistic that their initiatives will sustainably reduce food insecurity in their region. They’ve already started and made an impact. I have no doubt they will significantly increase food security - and the well-being and futures of those they serve. So, please click the links, look at their plan, learn from how they leverage the strengths of others in creating their initiatives. There is so much to learn! Don’t lose the opportunity!


*Yes, SHFB is a client, but it’s not clear who really benefits as I have learned so much from working with them and am such a better person for it.  Yes, I am in the video (ugh!) – and it’s all true – SHFB is a superb organization with excellent leadership.  No, you can’t hire them away, but yes, they are hiring - go work for them!